44 strike three herbicide label
PDF Strike 3 - Baltimore MD STRIKE 3 is for use on Ornamental Turf Lawns (Residential, Industrial and Institutional), Parks, Cemeteries, Athletic Fields and Golf Courses (Fairways, Aprons, Tees and Roughs) and similar turf areas. Also for use on Sod Farms. For turf use, the maximum number of broadcast applications per treatment site is 2 per year. STRIKE FORCE® | Loveland Products STRIKE FORCE® STRIKE FORCE® is a proprietary adjuvant specifically researched and developed for D-Traited (dicamba and 2,4-D tolerant crops) acre. Containing patented technology, STRIKE FORCE is designed to maximize performance. STRIKE FORCE is currently not registered for sale or use in California. U.S. Patent No. 9,315,652
Strike Three Herbicide - Phoenix Environmental Design Inc. Strike 3 herbicide contains three active ingredients: 2,4-D, mecoprop-p and dicamba. These three ingredients work together to control spurge, plantain and other turf and noncrop weeds. Strike 3 herbicide mixes easily with other herbicides and works best with WF adjuvants to reduce drift. Target Areas. Use Strike 3 herbicides on turf and noncrop sites such as: Home lawns; Roadsides

Strike three herbicide label
PDF DANGER - PELIGRO - DoMyOwn.com Cool-Season Grasses, Common Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, and Zoysiagrass- Add 2.5 pints of product to the Herbi container and fill with water. Spray contents over 33,000 square feet. Avoid overlapping between spray patterns. Limitations on broadcast treatments for ornamental turfgrass and sod farms: PDF Strike 3 - CDMS Strike 3® Selective Broadleaf Weed Control For Turfgrasses including for use on Sod Farms. To Control Dandelion, Clover, Henbit, Plantains, Wild Onion, and Many Other Broadleaf Weeds. Also for Highways, Rights-of-Way and Other Similar Non-Crop Areas (as listed on this label) Contains 2,4-D, Mecoprop -pand Dicamba ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Striker - Nufarm Australia For the selective weed control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds. Product Type: Striker. Mode of Action: Group G Herbicide. Active ingredient (s): 240g/L Oxyfluorfen 608g/L Liquid hyrdocarbon (solvent 100g/L N-methyl pyrrolidone. Formulation: Emulsifiable Concentrate.
Strike three herbicide label. Strike 3 Herbicide 2.5 GALLON Fast, Free Shipping - ProSolutions Strike 3 Herbicide is a mixture of three systemic herbicides to provide shoots-to-roots control for many common annual and perennial broadleaf weeds. These include hard to control weeds such as clover, dandelion, henbit, chickweed, knowweed, spurge, plantain and more. It is labeled for various common turf and non-crop applications. For added convenience, Strike 3 Herbicide can be mixed with ... PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticides, Label, STRIKE 3 ULTRA 3 SELECTIVE HERBICIDE, 4/26 ... SELECTIVE HERBICIDE A Three-Way Post-Emergent Selective Broadleaf Herbicide Containing 2,4-0, Fluroxypyr and Dichlorprop-p. For Use on Golf Courses, Parks, Highways and Ornamental Turf Lawns. Also For Use on Sod Farms. Kills Dandelions, Chickweeds, Plantains, Oxalis, Spurge and Many Other Broadleaf Weeds, Some of Which Are Listed On This Label. ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Sterling® Blue Herbicide | WinField United - WinField® United Maximize every drop with these partner products. Please match the EPA No. to the product label. InterLock® adjuvant is a deposition aid and drift control agent that improves spray pattern and reduces spray drift. InterLock adjuvant works effectively with herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and desiccants. InterLock®. Strike 3 Herbicide | Compare Endrun - diypestcontrol Strike 3 Herbicide is a mixture of three systemic herbicides to provide shoots-to-roots ...
Amazon.com : STRIKE 3 HERBICIDE 2.5 GALLON : Patio, Lawn & Garden Strike 3 Herbicide is a mixture of three systemic herbicides to provide shoots-to-roots control for many common annual and perennial broadleaf weeds. These include hard to control weeds such as clover, dandelion, henbit, chickweed, knowweed, spurge, plantain and more. It is labeled for various common turf and non-crop applications. Strike 3 | Winfield United | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Long-sleeved shirt and long pants, Protective eyewear (goggles, face shield, or safety glasses),* Chemical-resistant gloves (except for applicators using groundboom equipment, or otherwise exposed to the concentrate. *Applicators are not required to wear eye protection when 5 or more parts water is used to dilute 1 part of this product. Strike 3 Herbicide Label / Excision Drops Stacked Lineup For New ... Strike 3 ultra 3 selective herbicide. Strike 3 ultra 3 selective herbicide. They each have a specific mode . Label · msds · to control dandelion, clover, henbit, plantains, wild onion, and many other broadleaf weeds. See active ingredients, product application, restrictions,. (if you do not understand the label, find someone to explain it to ... PDF STRIKE 3 ULTRA 3 - Fluoride Action Network STRIKE 3 ULTRA ® 3 SELECTIVE HERBICIDE A Three-Way Post-Emergent Selective Broadleaf Herbicide Containing 2,4-D, Fluroxypyr And Dichlorprop-p. For Use On Golf Courses, Parks, Highways, Ornamental Turf Lawns And Similar Non-Crop Areas. ... Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for ...
PDF Strike Three Safety Data Sheet - logbookcreator.com Strike Three®. Safety Data Sheet. SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION Product Name: Strike Three®. EPA Registration #: 14774-2. Product ID/Unity #: 1400393, 1400395, 1400397, 1400398. Common Name: Mixture of 2,4-D, Mecoprop-p (MCPP-p) and Dicamba. Chemical Description: Mixture of 2,4-D, Mecoprop-p (MCPP-p) and Dicamba. PDF U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, STRIKE 3 ULTRA 3 SELECTIVE HERBICIDE ... SELECTIVE HERBICIDE A Three-Way Post-Emergent Selective Broadlea! Herbicide Containing 2,4-0, Fluroxypyr And Dichlorprop-p_ For Use On Golf Courses, Parks, Highways, Ornamental Turf Lawns And Similar Non-Crop Areas. Also For Use On Sod Farms. Kills Dandelions, Chickweeds, Plantains, Oxalis, Spurge And Many Other Broadlea! Weeds, Some O! Which Are Listed On This Label. Strike 3 Herbicide Mixing Ratio - Coba Pakai Strike 3 herbicide contains three active ingredients: Of by use according to label instructions, contact your state pesticide. Strike 3® herbicide brands control many common annual and perennial broadleaf weeds, . Use strike 3 herbicide to kill weeds on turfgrass and noncrop sites, as well as to control weed growth on sod farms. Strike 3 Herbicide Label - angiemakeupbeauty.blogspot.com The document has moved here. The Right Products For Tackling Tough Broadleaf Weeds Turf Strike 3 is a herbicide that contains 24 d 24 dp p dimethylamine salt dicamba. Strike 3 herbicide label. Broadleaf weeds some of which are listed on this label. Strike 3 ultra 3 selective herbicide a three way post emergent
PDF Strike 3 herbicide brands Strike 3® Ultra 2 herbicide is for use by commercial turf or landscaping personnel only. Features and Benefits • Controls many common broadleaves • Labeled for a variety of common turf and non-crop uses • Mixture has three systemic herbicides for shoots-to-roots control Packaging
StrikeLock® Adjuvant | WinField United - WinField® United InterLock adjuvant works effectively with herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and desiccants. ... The latest insights and data. Article • Agronomic Insights Jul 07, 2022. 3 Late-Season Tips to Help Maximize Crop Performance. Read Article. Article • Agronomic Insights Jul 01, 2022 ... Before use of products always read and follow label ...
Strike 3 Selective Broadleaf Herbicide (Trimec 992), WinField Strike 3 Selective Broadleaf Herbicide has the same percentage of Active Ingredient Formulation as Trimec 992 Broadleaf Weed Killer It knocks out weeds on residential and commercial landscapes and also targets invasive plants on institutional and industrial sites. Also good for Highways, Rights-of-Way, and other similar Non-crop areas.
Strike 3 Herbicide - Where to buy Strike Three 3 Way Herbicide ... Buy 2 or more quantities: $96.95 per each. UPC : 884464459853. EPA No. : 14774-2. Remark : CA, MI, UT. Strike Three 3 Way Herbicide Broadleaf Trimec 992 - 2.5 Gal is a three way herbicide as same as Trimec 992, Triplet SF Herbicide. More details. LABEL/SDS.
Strike 3 Selective Herbicide for Broadleaf Weed Control | Hart ... Label & SDS Strike 3 Selective Broadleaf Weed Control, controls weeds in turfgrasses as well as Sod farms. This product controls the the growth of Dandelions, Clovers, Henbit, Plantains, Wild Onions, and many other broadleaf weeds. Also good for Highways, Rights-of-Way, and other similar Non-crop areas. Product variants
Strike Three Ultra 2 | Winfield United | Agworld DBX | Greenbook Strike Three Ultra 2 Winfield United Labels Label SDS Snapshot ID: 57002 Active ingredients 2,4-D Dimethylamine Salt Dimethylamine Salt of (+)-R-2- (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy)propionic Acid Fluroxypyr 1-methylheptyl Ester Classification O Herbicide WSSA mode of action 4 Action like indole acetic acid (synthetic auxins) Classification O Herbicide
Strike 3 Herbicide Label - Tank Mix - Xian Cruiming Strike 3 Herbicide Brands Winfield from img.yumpu.com 18.02.2022 · here's a look at the 25 best small towns in the midwest, according to niche's 2021 best places to live study, which ranks towns on cost, safety, weather quality, access For reliability and versatility, nothing beats plateau ®. Vision coast electric will be the best electric ...
PDF for sale or use in our area. TRIA D - DoMyOwn.com Alwas refer to the actual package for complete label verbiage. This product ma not et be available or approved ... for sale or use in our area. TRIA D SELECT ™ HERBICIDE This product is manufactured b: Prime Source, LLC 64 "MUFSOBUF.JEEMFTFY /$ IMENSelective Broadleaf Weed Control in Turf grasses ... ***0.22 lb. 3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid per ...
Strike 3 - winproonline.com Strike 3 weed killer contains three active ingredients for systemic control of hard-to-kill weeds: dicamba, mecoprop-p and 2,4-D. They each have a specific mode of action to get right to the source and knock down the weeds from the target sites. It works on the most invasive weeds in the area, from spurge to dandelion.
Strike 3 Leaflet Strike 3® Selective Broadleaf Weed Control For Turfgrasses including for use on Sod Farms. To Control Dandelion, Clover, Henbit, Plantains, Wild Onion, and Many Other Broadleaf Weeds. Also for Highways, Rights-of-Way and Other Similar Non-Crop Areas (as listed on this label) Contains 2, 4-D, Mecoprop-p and Dicamba ACTIVE INGREDIENTS
Striker - Nufarm Australia For the selective weed control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds. Product Type: Striker. Mode of Action: Group G Herbicide. Active ingredient (s): 240g/L Oxyfluorfen 608g/L Liquid hyrdocarbon (solvent 100g/L N-methyl pyrrolidone. Formulation: Emulsifiable Concentrate.
PDF Strike 3 - CDMS Strike 3® Selective Broadleaf Weed Control For Turfgrasses including for use on Sod Farms. To Control Dandelion, Clover, Henbit, Plantains, Wild Onion, and Many Other Broadleaf Weeds. Also for Highways, Rights-of-Way and Other Similar Non-Crop Areas (as listed on this label) Contains 2,4-D, Mecoprop -pand Dicamba ACTIVE INGREDIENTS:
PDF DANGER - PELIGRO - DoMyOwn.com Cool-Season Grasses, Common Bermudagrass, Bahiagrass, and Zoysiagrass- Add 2.5 pints of product to the Herbi container and fill with water. Spray contents over 33,000 square feet. Avoid overlapping between spray patterns. Limitations on broadcast treatments for ornamental turfgrass and sod farms:
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